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Mystic Betrayal Page 2
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The priest stepped forward. “Presenting Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery.”
Applause brought her back to the present. Everyone cheered and whistled. They were celebrating the wedding but also the union of their new leaders. No one had a dry eye. Even Roxy and Micah rubbed at their eyes suspiciously. Although they’d probably rather rip out their tongues than admit it. There was a deep sadness emanating from Roxy that Kate had never noticed before. She couldn’t dwell on the issues of others for now. She smiled and walked through the doors with her forever love.
* * *
Xavier watched as Xander whisked Kate around the dance floor. He hadn’t had this type of wedding with Lily, but he remembered dancing under the stars as she sang one of her favorite songs. Gregory danced by with Angie tucked into his arms. He wanted to jerk her away from him, but he needed to make some of his own personal decisions first. He couldn’t stay in limbo anymore. Was Rowena correct? Was it time to let go of the past and say good-bye? Would it be kinder to give Angie a future with someone not so damaged? He wanted her, but wasn’t sure he deserved her.
He turned to leave as Rowena snatched him up and drug him out onto the floor. “You know you’ll never solve all those questions plaguing you unless you actually try to find the answers and stop running. In your heart, I think you know the answers. Your desires are pointing you in the direction of your fate. Your fear is holding you back. The only real question is – Are you strong enough to take the harder path? Where is the brave warrior I have known since your birth?”
“Find peace, Xavier. Lily was not your fault but if you lose this second chance, it’s on you.” She kissed his cheek and spun him around, gracefully changing partners.
Rowena looked quite pleased with herself while Gregory appeared ready to choke her. Angie fit perfectly in his embrace. They flowed to the music. He kept his mind busy with ridiculous facts so he wouldn’t say anything stupid or fade into the Shadows. Holding her this close was driving him toward the point of insanity. Ever since their shared kiss, she had become an obsession. That terrified him.
Every time the thought of her dying in the battle crossed his mind, he would hyperventilate and begin to fade out. This kind of desire could only end in pain and misery. What would happen if he tried to commit to her? He wouldn’t want her to fight and wild horses wouldn’t stop her from the battle. It seemed impossible. His emotions were so crazy, he couldn’t even speak. He continued to hold her tight neither one willing to break the connection between them.
Xander and Kate whirled past, oblivious to anyone but each other. He decided decisions could wait. He admired the way they were facing the ticking clock and grabbing happiness. They had found the ultimate magic within each other. Tonight was about celebration and new beginnings. Maybe, just maybe he could embrace some of that magic himself. He was beginning to realize with Angie, anything was possible.
* * *
Kate waved her last good-bye as her mom and dad climbed in the backseat. The connection she had forged with her mother was unshakable. She had found peace with her past and her family. As she watched the taillights fade, she couldn’t help but feel a little sad. The future was so uncertain.
Xander wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her neck. His hands moved up her body. Instant heat swamped her and wiped all thoughts from her mind. An intense desire to be with her mate overpowered her.
“Are you trying to distract me?” She turned and ran her fingers through his hair. Then she kissed him lightly on the jaw moving toward his lips.
“Depends. Is it working? It is our wedding night after all.” He deepened the kiss. His hunger for her vibrated through her entire body.
“Are all of the humans gone?”
“Yes.” He looked puzzled.
“Thank heavens!” She flashed them back into their bedroom where they landed completely naked on the bed. She smiled slyly and licked her lips. He lunged for her as she laughed. A golden light emanated from her skin as he drew closer. This time instead of her internal energy pushing against him, it wrapped itself around him. All of her fears about hurting him with her new powers dissipated.
They dispensed with some of the preliminaries. She wanted to feel him inside her. To connect with mind, body, and soul. Emotions rampaged through her body and erupted. Their energy fields began a mating dance of their own. A pale blue light from her intertwined with his deeper blue hue. As the tempo between them increased, so did the brightness of the colors. Their climax hit and their combined essence erupted into an amazing fireworks display.
“You were saying something earlier about our wedding night?” Kate flipped him over and straddled him. She had enough energy to short circuit an entire city. “This is supposed to be a very memorable night according to human tradition.”
And it most certainly was.
Chapter 2
Kate startled awake at the loud banging on the door. Surely she was entitled to one night with her new husband. As the knocking continued, she guessed the honeymoon was over. No one would be waking her up if it wasn’t urgent.
“Nikki, what is it?” She hadn’t expected it to be Xander’s sister at this hour. Pieces of dirt and grass clung to her long, dark hair. The haunted look in her soft brown eyes and the shaking hands told her everything. Something bad was coming. Kate woke up Xander, and they gathered everyone in the meeting room.
Nikki quickly relayed all of the information she had gathered from Lucian. Before she could finish, Xander and Xavier were both yelling at her. Kate hadn’t realized that Nikki had that ability. Spying on Lucian or anything in the Hell Realm had to be extremely dangerous.
Xander was more vocal. “What were you thinking? You could have been seriously injured. Who knows what Lucian is capable of and now you put yourself directly on his radar. Quit being foolish!” Kate hadn’t seen him this angry since that day in her apartment.
Nikki didn’t seem intimidated. Her fury was evident as things started to swirl around her. “You pompous ass. How dare you question me? I fought at the last Rising before you were even a thought. I have killed more demons than you can count and suffered more loss than you will ever know. This is my war too, and I will do everything I can to even the odds. We might not know a whole lot, but we have more than we did.”
She calmed down and placed her arm around his waist. “It’s time we start preparing to win this war. In addition to the traitor, we have more problems. I sensed another presence as I was eavesdropping. I wasn’t the only one watching. I think someone here in the Meadows knows more than they are saying. It may take me a while to figure out who.”
“Let’s get ready and take everything we have to the Council. We are long overdue for a big meeting. It’s time to really talk about what is going on.” Nikki sat down in exhaustion. Kate simply waved her hand and everyone was dressed and ready to go. She agreed with Nikki, and didn’t see the point in taking any more time. She wanted answers and they were going to give them to her.
As dawn crept in, everyone was awake but subdued. Dreams, emotions, and fear plagued their hearts and minds. Time was of the essence, and it was time to face the realities of the upcoming battle. They walked to the palace in brooding silence. As they approached, she continued to be mesmerized by the castle’s beauty and grace. Sometimes she still had trouble accepting the enormity of their task.
Marcus, leader of the Council and Xander’s father, greeted everyone as they sat down at the table and started the meeting. He addressed her. “Now that you have met everyone, know that you can come to any of us for help or to simply talk. Even Micah.” Marcus smiled as Micah scowled. “Let’s get started….”
“Sorry,” The doors flung open as Jeff and Jane rushed inside. Over the past few weeks, Kate had become close to the couple. “We apologize for being late, but we wanted to wait on all of Angie’s blood results. Have we missed anything yet?” she asked breathlessly. Kate could see she had been up all night running those tests. Her eyes were darkened and her hair unkempt. S
he hadn’t even attempted a glamour. Something was found in those results. She briefly considered reading her mind but decided that would be an intrusion given she was here to share the information with them all.
Marcus was saying no and that they were just in time, but Kate watched Rowena and her intense stare at Jane. Nodding her head, Rowena addressed Jane, “So the results were conclusive?” Jane nodded. “Interesting, very interesting. Gives us a definite direction.” Rowena waved her hands and the chairs came forward for the two new guests at the table. “Everyone sit, we have a lot to discuss.”
“Actually, if I may?” Kate interrupted and Xander looked at her like she had gone mad.
But Rowena didn’t seem to mind at all. “Yes dear, is there something we need to know?”
Kate hesitated, but Rowena looked interested. “I’m not sure, but after seeing the paintings along the wall, I think I may have had a dream or vision of importance before I came to the Meadows.”
“Please tell us. Every detail matters now and could hold significance.”
“At first I thought my dream was just my subconscious trying to make sense of everything and find answers. But then I saw the picture of his family, and it struck me that the place in that portrait was the same as in my dream. I remember thinking the meadow was so peaceful, and I could hear the river and the birds chirping. It was like I was there and felt totally at peace. Cassius spoke to me about being the Mystic.”
The entire Council and everyone in the room gasped at once. Could it be? Could Cassius help them from beyond the grave? She couldn’t help but hear all the questions immediately storming their minds. Rowena stepped forward and took her hands, calming the voices while Marcus asked the question on everyone’s mind. “What did he say to you?”
“He told me that he was proud of me and that he knew I would be his most powerful descendant yet. He talked of regrets for leaving his children without parents and of you, Rowena, for having to continue in his place. He mentioned that there were tasks I would have to master in order to receive the light. When I asked him what they were, he smiled and said I would see in time and to stay true to my heart and instincts. I told him I didn’t understand, but he continued to smile and stare at the river. He also said not to worry, that I am already well on my way and have all I need for now.”
“Cassius told me to ‘Be patient, have courage, and above all keep your faith in humanity and all other people you meet.’ He turned and met my eyes one last time. He placed his palm against my cheek and said, ‘You are truly my child and beautiful inside and out. Remember that. I’ll see you again soon.’ Then he was gone, and I awoke in my bath with a flower from the riverside in my hand and my body completely healed.” Her hands shook as she leaned back, feeling all the emotions swirling around her but mostly fear.
“Then, last night I had a second vision. It was very brief, but he mentioned the tasks again, and that I had passed the first one. That’s why I was able to transition. He once again said he was proud, but this time he mentioned being careful who I trust. That this battle would be very different. It was almost like a warning.” She sat back down.
No one spoke for a few moments trying to process what they’d heard. It was Rowena who finally broke the silence. “He was more brilliant than I gave him credit for. Some of those phrases were the very phrases that I told him when I was training him. He knew I would know the dream was real as soon as I heard it. He also left us clues.”
Her voice grew quieter as she walked around the table. “Cassius knew he was going to die, and somehow he knew it would fall to his descendant, probably Guinevere told him. She was a powerful Seer. He used a rare magic to leave dreams, visions, and who knows what else. His preparation for the final battle was more intense than any of us realized.”
Tapping her finger against her lip, she continued, “My guess is that he had to do it in short snippets of time, and he will continue to point us in the right direction. For now let’s look at what he told us. There will be a set of tasks. We know there are three. Since he mentioned that she was well on her way, we know Kate has already passed the first test and that allowed further visions with Cassius.
“He also points out his connection to her and mentions instincts, courage, and beauty inside and out. I think he is giving us a clue to the second task. It’s possibly a decision or action that may not be popular among our community or having to face the traitor. We’ll continue to ponder on that and do further research during his time. We have a starting point. Excellent information, Kate.
“Nikki has also provided us excellent information as well from her time observing the Hell Realm although it was dangerous and should have been discussed with us first. Let’s review what else we know for now.” As Rowena spun back toward her seat, her hair resembled red flames flickering in the wind. Nikki stared down at the table. Kate noticed she didn’t counter Rowena as she had her brothers.
Instead of moving forward, she kept feeling like she was falling backwards. What did they really know? More questions, but no answers. Without Xander and Angie, she probably would have already given up. They gave her hope and determination to fight. She needed both. Squaring her shoulders and taking a deep breath, she finally asked, “What do we know?”
Rowena stepped back as Marcus waved his hand and a screen appeared behind him. “First, we have to address the traitor. We can’t afford to underestimate his ability to damage our community. He definitely caused problems getting you here to the Meadows. For now, we will refer to the traitor as a ‘he’ due to Nikki’s vision, but do not be deceived. It is still possible the traitor could be female. Nikki has provided us further information though the technique was not approved by the Council.” How many times were they going to point out Nikki had made a mistake? At least she had come up with a few answers. Kate applauded her bravery.
Marcus continued to place facts up on the screen, creating an intricate chart. “Whoever it is has an amazing ability to hide. In fact, we’ve never seen anything like it. He has avoided Seers, Seekers, Shadow Warriors, and Rowena. Our biggest concern is if there is a new dark magic protecting him. That puts us all at risk.” As he walked around the table, everything he was reviewing popped up on the screen. Now, that was a talent she could have used at the FBI.
Rowena picked up the assessment. “I have searched and searched for the answer but the best I can offer is a theory. I believe our traitor may not be completely evil and may have been coerced into working for Lucian. Or, they have created a veil to protect the mind and infiltrated our world. Either option is dangerous. Don’t underestimate desperation. Only the Mystic at her height of power, the night of the Rising, can see fully into the Hell Realm. Regardless, the traitor is definitely intelligent, experienced, and powerful. This makes him a worthy opponent and represents a new tactic from the Omega and his Master, Lucian.” She switched the screen back to their chart and all the information discussed was added.
Watching Kate, Rowena leaned in and said softly, “In addition we don’t know the traitor’s true motives or if he works alone. The way he has targeted the mission more than you alone leads us to believe that it may be a bigger picture than simply removing you from the equation. It could be more aimed at the Council or magical communities or specific members of our communities. At least we know of the threat, and it’s a place to start thanks to Xavier, Zane, and Nikki. I am spending most of my time searching for the source.
“Zane, leader of the Shadow Warriors, is helping me as well. He has the ability to see more of our subconscious levels in the shadows. It is harder to hide in that realm. Even so, he has only been able to catch some rare glimpses of the traitor and nothing he can lock onto for very long to track.” She sighed at the lack of information she had. She wasn’t used to not having all the answers. Kate wondered if she would ever get to that point. “I’m afraid that will remain a loose end until he is ready to reveal himself or we get lucky.”
Kate swallowed, pushing down the panic and used h
er background knowledge to think through the situation. “Maybe at a later meeting, we can do a behavioral analysis. We may not be able to find the specific person, but we might be able to predict what he is likely to do next. That way we can at least try to neutralize the situation as long as we can.”
Angie is great at profiling and usually dead on the mark. We will begin sorting through the information as soon as possible and will report if we find anything of significance. This process is how we found the thorn demon during our last case.” Kate felt confident that they could contribute in this area at least.
Nikki added, “I will help them as well, adding in the magical component and answering questions.”
Rowena brought up a clear slide again. “Excellent! It is obvious fate led you all into talents that will help us react to this new threat from the underworld. Moving on to our next topic, Micah, please explain to all of us what you have seen about the battleground. Facts only please,” she added pointedly.
Briskly nodding, Micah, the Council Seer, stood stiffly. “Unfortunately, Fate does not allow us to see much about the Rising. At best, all I have been able to see clearly and consistently are a few key players before the battle and the battleground, a place called ‘Victoria, et Vita Aeterna, quia Unus’ which is Latin for ‘Victory and Eternal Life for One’. We call it the Victory grounds for short and it has been the place of demonic battles in the past even before humans. This place is known for the amount of bloodshed it has witnessed for thousands of years. It is where you will make your stand or die trying.”
The legends say that it has been used by angels, demons, gods, and goddesses. It is part of the Nether Realm which is a neutral plane that is only used as a brief go between but can easily access the Human Realm. It is rumored to be the battleground where Lucian fell and was banished to the Hell Realm. The accuracy is not absolute, but you get the picture that this is an ancient and hallowed place for the Rising.